Grievance Redressal Committee
A Grievance Redressal Committee has been constituted for addressing the complaints and grievances of students related to academic, finance, and discrimination on the basis of caste, gender etc., and any aggrieved student can contact:
- Mrs. L. Stella Raju HOD / EEE - 9087193971
- Mr. E. Joshua Raj Mohan - HOD / ECE - 9444478329
- Mr. T. Dhinagaran Sr. Lecturer/ Basic Engineering - 9884272092
Internal Complaint Committee
This committee is formed with the objective of providing gender sensitization, prevention and prohibition of sexual harassment of women employees and girl’s students and redressal of grievances in the Institution. Any staff or student with such grievances can immediately contact any one of the following members
- Mrs. L. Stella Raju - HOD / EEE - Co-ordinator
- Mr. V. Hari - Assistant/Admin - Member
- Mr. V. Selvakumar -Lecturer/ Mechanical - Member
- Mr. E. Sudhakar - Lecturer / Automobile - Member
- Ms. K. Kamatchi - Lecturer / EEE - Member
- Ms. T. Ramya - Lecturer / ECE - Member
- Ms. N. J. Urekha -Lecturer / Computer - Member
- Mr. S. P. Kanniappan -Lecturer/Basic Engineering - Member
Grievance Redressal and Empowerment Committee (SC/ST Students)
This cell is constituted to promote special interests of students in this category. It identifies the difficulties experienced by students and helps in resolving their issues. Regular remedial coaching classes on Life skills, personality development, writing assignments and making presentations etc., are held to help them hone their skills. Meetings are held with these students to address their social, personal and academic problems. The members are:
- Ms. R. Srikutty - Sr. Lecturer/ EEE - Co-ordinator
- Mr. N. Prasathan- Sr. Lecturer/ ECE - Member
- Ms. R. Deepa - Sr. Lecturer/ ECE - Member
- Ms. P. Parimala - Sr. Lecturer / ECE - Member
- Mr. S. Raphael - Lecturer/ Mechanica - Member
- Mr. A. Umapathy- Lecturer/ Basic Engineering - Member
- Mr. P. Velmurugan- Lecturer / Basic Engineering - Member
- Mr. S. PremKumar -Work Instructor/ Mechanical - Member