A two day workshop on career counseling was organized by Future Captains on 4th & 5th February 2018. Future Captions is a holistic career discovery and fulfillment platform that aims at helping students to find the right opportunity. They help every student discover his/her performance potential and to pursue a career that best suits his potential. The workshop aimed at creating facilitators who would find it easy to guide the aspirants to find the right job.
Before the commencement of the workshop every participant had to appear for 5 tests.
1. Thinking Strengths
2. Personality
3. Thinking Styles
4. Need Patterns
5. Test of English Proficiency
The facilitator was Mrs. Padmini Janardhanan who is passionate about career guidance, career counseling and creating psychometric assessments. Her career spans over four decades. She highlighted the salient features of each of the five tests and helped in co-relating the scores with different dimensions of an individual and understanding its significance to the ability of an individual’s performance and matching it with the requirements of different Profession.
Mrs.Devika Sivakumar and Mrs.E.Joshua Rajmohan participated in the workshop.