International Yoga day celebrations was conducted on campus on 21th June 2018, Thursday. Around 200 students from all departments (Mechanical, Automobile, EEE, ECE Computer and Civil) and members’ of staff are participated. Mrs. Vijaya .S HOD /C.T elaborated on priority of Yoga. She also advised, the practice of Yoga enhances personal power, helps in attention, focus and concentration. Removes negative blocks from the mind and toxins from body. Student Services Manager Mrs. P. Parimala emphasized the need of Yoga practice for healthy life style. She also explained importance and benefits of Yoga in prevention of diseases occurring due to stress and tensions in modern life.

Physical Director Mr. Palani .P clearly explained various types of asana in Yoga, Pranayama, Yoga Mudra and Surya Namaskar. He elaborated on practicing Yoga helps in controlling an individual’s mind, body and soul. Yoga asana build strength, flexibility and confidence. Regular practice of yoga can help lose weight, relieve stress, improve immunity and maintain a healthier life style. He also talked about precautions to be taken while practicing yoga exercises. Some basic asana in Yoga were demonstrated by him to the participants. Later participants were asked to practice Yoga asana under the guidance of Physical Director.

At the end of programme, all participants felt rejuvenated and energized. Thus, Yoga bestows upon every aspirant the powers to control body and mind.

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