V Ramakrishna Polytechnic College held its 34th Annual Convocation on Friday, 15th March 2019, at its Campus.

The Chief Guest for the Convocation was Mr Sathyamurthy Vamanan, Quality Manager –India, McDermott International. Mr Sathyamurthy, an Alumnus was a student of the first batch of the Polytechnic.

This year 159 students received the Diploma Certificates

The Convocation began with a grand academic procession followed by the State song of Tamilnadu, “Tamizhthai vazhthu”.

The Principal i/c Mr M Sundaravadivel, presented the welcome address and a report on the developments on the campus.

Besides the infrastructure developments in the College, he highlighted the achievements of the College in various activities such as participation and wins of students in both inter and intra Polytechnic contests such as Technical Paper presentation, Academic Projects, outstanding academic performance, extracurricular activities, sports and NSS.

He also presented statistics on the numbers of beneficiaries from skill training programme, being conducted on the campus under the auspices of Directorate of Technical Education (TN) and Tamilnadu Skill Development Corporation.

Details of awards won, under various categories was informed. The information about Industry- Institution partnership for activities like placement, In-plant training, Employee (Industry) training by Polytechnic, Industrial Visit, knowledge sharing, CSR activities for training unemployed youth was also presented.

He also stated that there has been a progressive improvement in the bonding with the Alumni who have instituted scholarship for meritorious but economically weaker section of students. Alumni are involved in almost all activities of the College. He expressed his gratitude to them, for their involvement in arranging in-plant training, visits and placements, sharing knowledge through guest lectures, acting as judge for competitions, donating books for library, participating in celebrations like “Pongal Vizha”.

Mrs Devika Sivakumar Advisor of the College congratulated the candidates of the graduating class of 2018 for their hard work in fulfilling the aspirations of the parents who had sacrificed a lot in life. She said that Convocation was the beginning of a new era of responsibilities for fulfilling greater commitments. They would be able to face challenges if they developed the right attitude and humility. They need to build New Age Competencies such as communication skills, analytical skills, leadership skills, emotional intelligence etc. This can be achieved only with passion and commitment. She said that the inspiring stories of successful Alumni could be the best source of inspiration for the Millenials or the Gen Z.

The Chief Guest Mr Sathyamurthy started his speech with the Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Shloka and expressed that students should be ever grateful to their parents and teachers. He stated very clearly that job opportunities are available in plenty but only 15 percent of the candidates get employed. This was because the skills of the candidate do not match the expectation of the Industry. It is necessary to focus on communication and leadership skills (planning, organising and execution of any activity in a team). It is essential to continuously learn and acquire knowledge through both higher education and international certification in order to meet the varying expectations of each organisation. He suggested that students should use social media for a positive outcome else it could ruin them.

He congratulated them on their achievement and announced that he was presenting an endowment of Rs 10000/- in the name of his mother to the College which could be used for the developmental activities of the College.

The Chief Guest awarded the certificates and the academic awards to the candidates.

The Principal i/c administered the academic pledge.

The Convocation ended with a Vote of Thanks by Mrs Vijaya, Head of the Department of Computer Science followed by the National Anthem.

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